New release, new bugs
New release, new bugs. While it still has no fonts selector to choose from the fonts, installed in OS, and no search by tags in the search field, they introduced something new.
Can’t login to twitter inside the app and so can’t read the articles added from twitter. For instance, I mean Tweetbot for iOS and others.
Weren’t fixed several bugs, including the local ones — the bug with truncation of some titles, for example. The bug with inner links in the article view still exists.
Sevaral items are present with broken titles. They are readable and available for re-download. Though, if I remove such item, I can’t re-add it via undo tape. Seems like it is stored with both correct and illegal URLs simultaneously. I think it’s an issue with encoded and not encoded URLs in local character sets.
Some of the tags don’t allow searching and appear empty though I do remember that I’d tagged several articles with them.
They added other layout for tags autocomplete. It’s quite comfortable, though the old one was good too.
One of the local bugs was fixed.
It stays one-of-a-kind app and is great because of its integration and functionality.
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Pocket, v1.6